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Be open to your dreams, people. Embrace that distant shore. Because our mortal journey is over all too soon.David Assael

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest MILDRED T GRAHAM who was born in United States BUFFALO, NEW YORK on December 19, 1933 and passed away on May 16, 2007 at the age of 73. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

Latest Memories
LORI MCCART Easter for Grandma 2012 April 7, 2012



Grandma tried to tell me sweetly

All about the Easter day,

How the Savior died to save us

And in the earth was laid away;

But Jesus was not dead forever,

For when the Easter morning came,

Lo, He rose and left the cavern

And we praise His holy name.


There is more to this great story

That dear Grandma told to me;

For this Savior has the power

From sin and death to set us free;

If we believe His precious promise

The grave is like an open door

Through which we pass to Christ in heaven

Where we live forevermore!

A Thousand Thanks
Mother's Day brings to mind
The thousands of things you did for us
that helped make us happier,
stronger and wiser,
because we had you as a role model.
Were grateful for all the times
you healed our hurts
and calmed our fears,
so that we could face the world
feeling safe and secure.
Were thankful for all you showed us
about how to love and give--
lessons that now bring
so many blessings to us
each and every day.
Your sacrifices and unselfishness
did not go unnoticed, Mom/Grandmom.
We admire you, we respect you,
we love you.
And were so glad you're our mother!
Happy Mother's Day!
Today I found a penny
Just laying on the ground
But its a very special one
This little coin I've found

For those pennies come from heaven
My grandma always said
Oh how I loved that story
When she tucked me into bed.

She said when angels miss you
They toss a penny down
Maybe just to cheer you up
Or make you smile not frown

So dont pass by that penny
When you are feeling blue
It could be one from heaven
That an angel has tossed to you.
i miss you grandma. happy grandparents day. love you always miranda
david graham
all your kid miss you they talk about you a lot . dad miss you and miss you getting mad at him going out to eat with him. you was big part of life. you was the back bone to keep him going in life just like your kids and the little ones . we all miss you in your life  good days and bad day we just love you the same.  you was geat mom. the best. lori will be the same she got from you .you was a big part of life love davi g your son . 
Latest Condolences
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Thinkin of you May 15, 2010

Remembering your Angel....

Mildred T Graham


Kayla Nichols Grandma Millie February 27, 2010

Grandma Millie, I miss you so much, I wish you were still here with us. I love you so much. I miss your smile. You are missed by everyone.


Love Kayla



Millie..... I miss you so much, I miss your cheerful laugh and bright smile.  I know that you are at rest now with no pain.... Everyone loves you and misses you alot.  Please somehow, find a way to talk to me, I need some advice, you have always guided me in the past, I love you and miss you alot.


Rest In Peace Grandma Millie


Love Donna Rogers

Lori Ann Happy Mothers Day May 9, 2009
Wonderful Grandma

Grandma, you’re so wonderful,
On Mother’s Day I think of you--
The unconditional love you give
The sweet and generous things you do.

You’ve made a difference in my life;
I love you more than I can say.
That’s why I give this poem to you,
To wish you “Happy Mother’s Day!”

By Joanna Fuchs
I love you, Lori Ann
michael grandson May 24, 2008



Grandma I love you and miss you very much and I am thinking of you 24/7









































Debbie Smith friend September 3, 2007
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